I am passionate when it comes to driving and working on cars and maintaining their appearance. My goal is to exceed your expectations when you bring your car in for a TOP GLOSS service. I will spend as much time as it takes to make your vehicle look its absolute best. Detailing is something I do because I love it. My business ethics are not driven by economic factors that often dictate how fast a customer’s vehicle must be finished.
In order to deliver the best results to my clients I constantly test new car care products every month. Technology is having a major impact on the development of new sealants, compounds, cleaners and coatings. To separate the very best from the average I perform hands on testing. I test many products on automotive panels that sit in my backyard. Exposing surface protection products to our northern Nevada climate reveals which products truly are the best.
When your vehicle is left in my care I take it very seriously. My garage is heated & air-conditioned and protected with video cameras and motion sensors.
To make sure that I stay fully informed on all the latest advances in equipment, chemicals and machines I have earned a professional certification with the International Detailing Association (IDA). The IDA is dedicated to promoting the recognition of professional detailing as a trade. To maintain a professional certification members must pass tests in ten different areas of automotive detailing and commit to ongoing training to keep their certification. As of March 2022 I am one of only two Certified Detailers in Northern Nevada.
Thank you for your consideration.
John Goodman - Owner

Coatings applied to painted test panels and placed with full exposure to the sun. Test panels are rotated year-round to test using all weather conditions.