AQUAPEL Glass Treatment & Rain Repellent: This is an excellent product from PPG Industries. PPG has been manufacturing automotive coatings for more than 80 years. Increases visibility in the rain. At speeds over 35-mph the rainwater beads up and slides off the windshield.
4 to 5 months of durability.
TOP GLOSS Glass Polishing Treatment with Ceramic Glass Coating:
First, the windshield is machine polished to restore clarity and reduce the appearance of any scratches or water spots. Next, the Nano Ceramic Glass Coating is applied. The coating bonds to the polished glass giving it excellent durability. Repels, dirt, dust, salt, ice and snow. In heavy rain water will sheet off the glass quickly and increase visibility. In light rain or drizzle, water will bead up and roll off the glass while driving. This technology is superior to RAIN-X or other glass treatments you find at the auto parts store.
1-year of durability.
PRICE: $159 to polish windshield glass and apply the ceramic glass coating. Glass must be kept dry for three days to allow proper curing.
Heavily stained window glass on a 18-year old BMW.

Window restored to like new condition at Top Gloss Detail.